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2022 Honoree Janis Dubow

Vice President, Patient Care & Chief Nursing Officer at Northside Hospital

Society of Honorees

Each year OCI is proud to honor supporters and survivors. We continue to recognize those we’ve honored in the past.

2023: Ruth Magnus Rollins
2022: Janis Dubow
2021: Mickey Mixson
2020: Loraine Williams
2019: Dr. Dennis Liotta

2017: Billi Marcus
2016: Janet Wolf
2015: James D. Robinson III
2014: Rhonda Milner
2013: Loraine Williams

Thank You to Our Sponsors

northside hospital cancer institute logo

Bacchanalia 2018
Bacchanalia 2019
Bacchanalia 2023

Join OCI in the Fight Against Ovarian Cancer Today.